Tuesday, May 22, 2012

No Logo

The title of this documentary is called No Logo. The main argument around the document is how different Logos from companies are more famous and more well known than others. Also in this documentary it shows how other companies get back lashed for their logos and brands. Brands like Nike, Banana Republic, and Puma are all trusted brands with very good reputations. Another brand that just went through some heat not to long ago was BP ( British Petroleum).

Naomi Klein who wrote the book No Logo and worked on the documentary dives into the background of Nike. She finds out that at the base of this very successful company that the leader uses cheap labor outside of the United States. This makes this a multinational company which many people are against. For example WalMart  uses sweat shops and is the main culprit of the disgruntled shoppers and citizens of the United States. Many people do not shop at WalMart because the people who make WalMart's clothes are literally only making a dollar a day. This is why WalMart can keep their prices so low is because their labor is malnourished and work about 20 hours a day. 

Back to Nike, Nike uses outsourced offices but only to lessen work costs. The employees are not in sweat shops and don't work 20 hours a day, it is just plain cheaper to make sneakers in China rather than in the United States. 
Films love to contradict brands and logos of major brands and companies. Films like to point out how great of a product something is and while the company is doing the exact opposite for example McDonald's Adult Happy Meal comes with a pedometer so it could show how many steps people take in a given day. This is an awful way to advertise healthy behavior where as this is a video of what a person needs to do to burn off a Big Mac from McDonld's.

After watching the video it clear shows how much effort a person has to give out to successfully work off a Big Mac. McDonald's has been advertising on television for years about how much healthier it is. While in reality McDonald's is still not healthy at all. 

"In one sense it is easy to understand why Ms Klein and her camp feel as they do. The word “brand” is everywhere, to the point where Disney chairman Michael Eisner calls the term “overused, sterile and unimaginative”. Products, people, countries and companies are all racing to turn themselves into brands—to make their image more likeable and understandable. British Airways did it. Target and Tesco are doing it, while people from Martha Stewart to Madonna are branding themselves. Britain tried to become a brand with its “Cool Britannia” slogan, and Wally Olins, a corporate-identity consultant and co-founder of Wolff Olins, a consultancy, even wants to have a crack at branding the European Union" - The Economist .

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